Funding up to 50 community-led climate initiatives worldwide in creating lasting positive change

Global Greengrants Fund

Impact Sector
Restoring Nature

Type of Strategy

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In a nutshell

Global Greengrants Fund (GGF) promotes climate justice by supporting grassroots initiatives around the world. Their reach is unmatched; GGF’s global network of volunteer experts work in remote areas not accessed by traditional funders. The organisation can directly reach up to 50,000 people, and indirectly, up to five million. The result is innovative and localised solutions created by those who know their surroundings best.

Climate Problem

Communities living at the forefront of the climate crisis are sometimes forgotten by international philanthropy. While well-placed to take direct climate action, their voices are often overlooked and underfunded. These communities face increasing challenges to their health, wellbeing, livelihoods, and food security.

Extreme weather events can endanger traditional ways of living, and increase risk of displacement and conflict. GGF’s goal is to support these communities in combatting climate change, and to make the fight against its effects a little fairer. So far, GGF have supported over 15,000 grassroots solutions across the world – and this number is growing.

The numbers on global climate action don’t add up. 25 per cent of above-ground carbon is stored in the 1.3 billion acres of land managed by Indigenous Peoples, yet less than 1 per cent of climate funding goes to Indigenous-led initiatives. Only 0.2 per cent of climate funding reaches initiatives led by women. Above all, those groups who have contributed the least in carbon emissions are likely to have most to lose. GGF’s objective is to level the playing field through its proven support model.

Project Solution

Global Greengrants Fund believes the most effective solutions to environmental harm often come from those who are most impacted. They trust local communities to advance solutions and strategies that will fit their needs, and provide them with the resources to take action.

This project will support  50 community-led climate initiatives worldwide in creating lasting positive change: through diverse solutions such as agroecology, renewable energy projects, forest management, and climate justice campaigning. Annually, these funded initiatives are expected to directly reach up to 50,000 people – and indirectly, up to five million people. 

GGF’s network of dedicated experts operate in remote corners of the world, and identify local initiatives for funding. Grassroots solutions created by communities on the ground have been shown to reduce carbon emissions, foster economic empowerment, advance public health, and help restore biodiversity. Aiming to achieve climate justice in its most full sense, GGF is highly supportive of climate solutions led by women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities.

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"Our innovative, decentralised grantmaking model allows our organisation to work directly with marginalised communities. Their self-made solutions at the grassroots level address inequalities and injustices perpetrated by an oppressive global system."
Nnimmo Bassey
Advisory Board, Global Greengrants Fund West Africa
  • Operational since 1993
  • Team of eight employees
  • Headquarters in London, UK

About the organisation

Global Greengrants Fund is working to make climate action more equitable. Their mission is to achieve global environmental justice, by empowering local communities and grassroots movements who create climate solutions meeting their own needs while protecting our planet for the whole.

How your donation helps

This project is a powerful opportunity to support 50 innovative solutions from frontline communities. Grassroots efforts are vital to creating real change, yet they are also chronically underfunded. Only 2 per cent of global philanthropic funding goes directly towards climate action, and a tiny fraction of this goes to community-led work.

Global Greengrants will empower locals to resist fossil fuel development; smallholder farmers to implement agroecological practices; Indigenous Peoples to fight for their land rights; and support many more diverse communities in protecting and promoting their local environment.

50 diverse communities impacted by climate change are equipped with the capacities, tools and funding to create and implement grassroots climate initiatives.

Local communities have the knowledge and capacity to effectively control and protect local resources, and to resist moving towards damaging practices such as fossil fuel extraction.

Communities experience a range of co-benefits through their initiatives, such as climate-friendly food production, clean energy generation, and improved economic and environmental resilience.

Why we chose the project

"Global Greengrants brings nearly 30 years of experience in their field. Their streamlined, collaborative grantmaking process is unique, allowing them to extend support to the most remote parts of the world. If you want to fund inventive grassroots solutions from people living on the frontlines of the climate crisis, this project is for you."

Doreen Kubek
Due Diligence Auditor

All our projects are:

  • aiming for systemic solutions in due time

  • having a track record in achieving similar goals

  • addressing co-benefits such as health or justice

  • endorsed by renowned climate funders

  • vetted by our rigorous due diligence process

  • monitored by us and reporting back to donors


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Your donation to Global Greengrants Fund will empower the sector of Restoring Nature

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Global Greengrants Fund

Active Philanthropy

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