Advancing the EU’s Green Deal to cut ten billion tonnes of CO2

Future Matters

Impact Sector
Democracy & Public

Type of Strategy

Project Location
European Union

Entry Funding

In a nutshell

The ‘best’ climate measures can be exponentially more impactful than ‘good’ ones. In yearlong, leverage-focused research, Future Matters has identified the most impactful EU policies for global decarbonisation, published in a major report in April 2024. Now, Future Matters can get the top policies on the EU Commission’s international climate agenda, already working with leading think tanks and policymakers across EU institutions to remove legislative, technological and financial barriers to climate action in decisive regions and industries for our climate trajectory worldwide.  

Climate Problem

A stark 90% of growing global emissions stem from beyond the EU borders, where legal hurdles, lack of financial resources and clean technology access still hamper climate action. Countries like India are on the brink of resorting to new fossil-fuel infrastructure, locking in surging emissions for decades – unless a major trade bloc prioritises climate foreign policy.

The EU has hinted at an international dimension to its Green Deal, but the agenda is not set yet, nor whether it will receive enough attention. Since only a handful of policies will be enacted, those need to be the most impactful ones available. But policymakers and even the best advocacy organisations rarely try to find these and make them a focus.

Future Matters has completed rigorous research to identify these policies and has already begun working with the best-positioned think tanks, NGOs, movements, and Commission officials to get them on the agenda. Some policies will require pressure and attention to be passed by EU lawmakers. Advocates must be focused on the highest-impact policies and equipped with the necessary skills and tools.

Project Solution

The EU has the potential to lead the world in removing barriers to enormous international emissions reduction. Future Matters will work with policymakers in the EU Commission and leading European think tanks to make the most impactful policies happen – working with advocates where political will is missing. The guidance they provide will extend to strategy and communications.

We know smart climate policy prioritization matters. In Germany, Future Matters’ previous research has shown the most effective policies that climate groups were working towards were up to 7.500 times more impactful than average climate policies.

Future Matters’ approach is science-based, drawn from extensive research, and benefits from years of experience aiding climate advocates. They have built a broad network of civil society and policymakers, united in working towards achieving maximum impact on global climate policy. With their findings and strategic know-how, they are well-placed to change global emissions trajectories through the EU’s international influence.

Donate now

“We’ve already seen in Germany what an immense impact our focused policy and strategy advice can have. Your contribution can shift the EU Climate agenda for the next five years – and fundamentally change how the EU climate ecosystem thinks about enabling accelerated climate action worldwide.”
Justus Baumann
Co-Founder & Managing Director
  • Operational since 2020
  • Team of eleven employees
  • Headquarters in Berlin, Germany

About the organisation

Future Matters is a nonprofit providing evidence-based advice, analysis, and training to reduce global catastrophic risks like climate change. They leverage their expertise in policy prioritization and advocacy to find neglected solutions that can make a decisive difference and get them into implementation.

How your donation helps

Future Matters can perform thousands of hours of tailored outreach and advice to leading policymakers and change agents with your support. This can get greatly neglected climate policies – with vast potential to change emission trajectories – on the political agenda and into implementation. Each of these prioritized policies can potentially change the course of a significant global source of dangerous emissions and help avert the worst possible future climate trajectories.

Get at least three prioritised climate policies onto the agenda of crucial EU policymakers.

Equip change agents with essential knowledge and tools for policy prioritisation & advocacy – creating tangible and traceable political outcomes.

Enabling change agents to focus on high-impact outcomes fit to their position – through tailored consultation and guidance.

Why we chose the project

"Based on interviews with more than 100 experts and EU policymakers, Future Matters' recent publication '8 EU Policy Priorities for Global Decarbonisation' demonstrates the group's rigorous analysis. They help make the European Green Deal a lasting success and even significantly influence emissions originating outside the EU."

Daniel Kruse
Project Lead Climate Hub

All our projects are:

  • aiming for systemic solutions in due time

  • having a track record in achieving similar goals

  • addressing co-benefits such as health or justice

  • endorsed by renowned climate funders

  • vetted by our rigorous due diligence process

  • monitored by us and reporting back to donors


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Your donation to Future Matters will influence the sector of Democracy & Public

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Future Matters

Active Philanthropy

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