Germany’s largest digital climate dialogue mobilizes thousands to face their MPs

Together for Future

Impact Sector
Democracy & Public

Type of Strategy

Project Location

Entry Funding

In a nutshell

Germany is a key country to lead the European transition to a climate neutral continent. But populists and interested alliances are weakening the climate discourse, leading some parliamentarians to deviate from the climate targets they have set themselves. With your support, this record-breaking event can become a powerful annual reminder for politicians to pass ambitious climate policies.

Climate Problem

As inventors of the “Energiewende” and one of the strongest industrial nations, Germany could lead the way to a climate-safe transition across Europe. But the national climate law has been watered down, and experts attest that climate targets will be missed. Meanwhile, populists fuel mistrust in the government and sow doubts about consistent climate protection.

Germany´s liberal democracy is under pressure, and trust between citizens and politicians is low. It needs a democratic intervention to break the stalemate, bringing conservatives on board and emboldening progressives. We must connect people from all walks of life with politicians on a personal level and galvanise them into collaborating on sincere climate policies.

Project Solution

In spring 2023, Together for Future (TFF) successfully piloted Germany’s largest digital climate dialogue to date. In doing so, they created a powerful citizen lobbying platform that is ready to grow. Climate Democracy Days will take place every year, stretched out as campaigns spanning three months – with PR waves and digital communication kits for supporting associations, large NGOs and regional initiatives. The campaign will provide participants with online trainings and a collective voice.

Each year, TFF will give thousands of constituents digital access to their Members of Parliament for simultaneous face-to-face video conversations. Political decision-makers get to interact with more constituents than ever, beyond anonymous polls, and hear climate questions from their voters personally. These annual campaigns will keep pushing climate solutions to the top of the political agenda.

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“Voting and protesting, those are our good democratic rights. But to really tackle the climate crisis, we need new ways to connect citizens and political leaders. Let’s spark more personal conversations than ever before and bring this climate democracy to life!”
Mathias von Gemmingen
Project Lead
  • Operational since 2019
  • Team of 13 employees
  • Headquarters in Berlin, Germany

About the organisation

Together for Future (TFF) is working towards a liveable, just, and climate-safe world. Through mobilisation, fact-based education and networking, they are committed to ensuring that the Paris Climate Agreement is complied with. TFF (co-)organises protests for the climate movement, professionalises dialogue with politicians in Germany, and trains citizens to advocate for climate action. Aiming to elevate this issue beyond the level of politics, they work to integrate groups across the political spectrum into the Action Alliance for Climate Justice.

Endorsing partner

In 2023, Together for Future was awarded the Phineo seal for proven impact potential. The jury selected our ‘For Future Alliance’ with 400+ adult groups as ‘unique and valuable’. Together was described as a ‘connector’ between citizen-led groups and classic NGOs.

How your donation helps

TFF is ready to leverage their learnings and success from 2023. Your funding is crucial to building the impact of citizen lobbying in 2024: By powering mobilisation online and offline, involving stronger media and project partners, and inviting many more citizens from yet un-reached walks of life.

Trust is at the heart of functioning democracies. In a time when multiple crises are causing trust to deteriorate, this project is uniting voices across society and politics to tackle the climate crisis together. A better world is possible, and climate democracy is one of its vital pillars worth defending.

Citizens of all ages and social backgrounds are mobilised and trained to apply citizen-lobbying skills through webinars in live conversations with MPs

Major 1.5 degree climate policies are put at the top of Parliament’s agenda, and 100+ MPs join conversations with 2,000+ citizens in one single day

200+ civil society organisations come together, inviting tens of thousands of their members to contribute to the campaign’s impact

Help drive citizens’ lobbying to the next level
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Why we chose the project

"The Fridays for Future protests made climate protection a top issue in Germany. We must avoid a backlash when it comes to implementing the energy transition and climate adaptation. This project has already impressively shown that direct dialogue with politicians can keep the momentum."

Daniel Kruse
Hub Lead Manager, Active Philanthropy

All our projects are:

  • aiming for systemic solutions in due time

  • having a track record in achieving similar goals

  • addressing co-benefits such as health or justice

  • endorsed by renowned climate funders

  • vetted by our rigorous due diligence process

  • monitored by us and reporting back to donors


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Your donation to Together for Future will influence the sector of Democracy & Public

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Together for Future

Active Philanthropy

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